Our company has extensive experience in the execution of industrial, commercial, administrative,
production and residential buildings and facilities, hotel complexes and their adjoining
infrastructure, by having both qualified technical and operation personnel and suitable
equipment required for a qualitative and sustainable construction.
We execute the projects assigned to us led by the principle for quality of performance, high professionalism and correct attitude in favor of our clients in strict compliance with the contractual terms and conditions, the technical documentation for the project, the requirements of the current legislation, the approved schedules for execution and securing of occupational health and safety conditions, environmental protection and optimal utilization of the energy resources in accordance with the certified Intergrated Management System of the company.
In the realization of all projects we use only high-quality materials and consumables in accordance with the requrements of the project and the current legislation, as well as the required equipment for a sustainable and qualitative execution of the construction.
The corporate experience, skills and abilities we have, rank us among the companies in this sector of economy who have the capacity and resources to complete large-scale projects, such as: